we welcome your donations
The members of the Lakewood Ranch Wind Ensemble perform with many professional orchestras and concert bands throughout Sarasota and Manatee counties, including the Venice Symphony Orchestra, the Sarasota Pops Orchestra, and the Anna Maria Island Chorus and Orchestra, where they are compensated for their services. However, because of their love for the Wind Band idiom, they are willing to offer their professional-level skills pro-bono.
The Lakewood Ranch Wind Ensemble, Inc. is incorporated in the state of Florida as a 501(c)3 organization and welcomes support from donors. All contributions are considered tax deductible. The funds that we receive, either from concert performances or contributions, will be used to offset expenses incurred for performances, including venue insurance, percussion instruments, and the purchase of new and exciting music.
Additionally, the Lakewood Ranch Wind Ensemble will continue to seek out and support student music organizations and other select charities.
Donate online or by mail:
Or mail checks to:
Lakewood Ranch Wind Ensemble
c/o Joseph Miller, Music Director Emeritus
4226 Tropical Blue Lane
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211
The Lakewood Ranch Wind Ensemble, Inc. is incorporated in the state of Florida as a 501.C.3 organization. All contributions are considered tax deductible.
We are pleased to acknowledge and thank the following donors:
Diamond Donor - $5,000+
Choral Artists of Sarasota
Platinum Donor - $2,500-$4,999
Gold Donor - $1,000-$2,499
Skip & Beverly Conkling Foundation
Powell Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Silver Donor - $500-$999
Dawn Evans
Corporate Corebridge
Bronze Donor - $100-$499
Jim Bertrand
Gene Bohland
Dr. Robert Downie and Patricia Bourke
Charlie & Barbara Cogen
George & Fern Counes
Jim Damoulakis
Mel Davis
Vincent DiMartino
Mike DiPietro
Chip Gaylor
Rich Gans
Becky Guth
Gayle Heskett
Jim Hill
Friends of the LWRWE - $25-$99
Matt Barbaro
Evelyn Borsheim
Lynn Cleary
Rick & Jeannie Frejka
Linda Gould
Joe & Cleora Grossi
Cathy Hackert
Cara and Larry Jackson
Pam Jefferies
Jon Megandanz
Joe Martinez
Melissa Hill
Edward Hultgren
LWR Community Activities
Christopher and Kristin Maciariello
Joe Miller
Madeline Miller
Patti Powell
Robert Richards
Schroeder-Manatee Ranch
Drew Trapani
Barbara Waters
Glenn Wiener
The Modern Jazz Quartet
Marrie Neumer
Michelle Nicolette
Rebecca Pickwick
Mary and Dave Pogan
Patty Preves
Kendra Simpkins
Lita Tyler
Julie Waters
Barbara Wright